A Grumman Sportboat, (also Sport Boat, SportCanoe, or Sportee) is a 15' 4' long, 43' wide square stern canoe manufactured in America. It, as well as the Coleman Scanoe, are patterned after 'Grand Lakers,' wooden fishing guide boats built on Grand Lake, Maine for oar power, subsequently modified for the advent of small outboard engines with the. In 1990 the Grumman boat and canoe division was sold to O.M.C. Of Illinois, who soon purchased the DuraNautic Boat Company's tooling. Created in 1945, Grumman Boats was founded as manufacturer of aluminum boats and canoes. Grumman Boats line-up has expanded to include skiing, fishing and utility vessels. I just bought a used 17 foot Grumman canoe. This is the number on the plate near the front of the craft: 21170-G-5-17 17 must mean 17 feet but does anyone know what the rest is? Can you get the year of make on that?
A Grumman Sportboat, (also Sport Boat, SportCanoe, or Sportee) is a 15' 4' long, 43' wide square stern canoe manufactured in America.[1] It, as well as the Coleman Scanoe, are patterned after 'Grand Lakers,' wooden fishing guide boats built on Grand Lake, Maine for oar power, subsequently modified for the advent of small outboard engines with the addition of more bearing aft and a flat tumblehome transom.
The Sport Boat is designed to be rowed, sailed, or powered by an outboard motor, and is among few designs to be fairly efficient at all three. It can also be poled or paddled, but is too wide for efficient paddling. It is manufactured in a fashion similar to an aircraft, made of a stressed skin aluminum, riveted together, and weighs slightly over 110 pounds. In current production, it is rated for 805 pounds capacity and a 7 horsepower (5.2 kW) outboard motor. It can plane with as little as a 3.5 hp motor, and has been used with as much as a 25 hp motor. Moving a lone operator forward to the middle seat enables planing performance over 10 mph with as little as 2.5 hp. Ballasting the bow greatly improves operation under power.
As a canoe, the Grumman Sport Boat was originally rated for an 1,100 pound payload. Due to its unusual planing ability, the United States Coast Guard in the 1970s applied a different rating rule. Without any changes to the boat, the payload rating dropped to 550 pounds. Evolving rules for planing boats, requiring level flotation when swamped with maximum payload and rated engine, led to the demise of production by Grumman in 1979. The inaugural issue of Small Boat Journal decried the end of Grumman's Sport Boat production in a black-bordered article evocative of a eulogy. The Grumman Sport Boat was named by the editors of Small Boat Journal as one of the 10 best small boats of all time.
Boatbuilder and designer Robb White wrote of one in his essay 'The Chicken Feed Boat,' and made a strip-planked wood variant and sold the plans. Small Boat Journal founding editor David Getchell wrote a feature SBJ article about the SportBoat and bought one, and mentioned it again in 'Outboard Boater's Handbook: Advanced Seamanship and Practical Skills.'
Early models included the mast base clip and gunwale holes to use with the Grumman factory sail kit, with either a gunter or lateen rig. Sail kits are long out of production.
1986 also saw the Grumman Boats’ purchase of an assembly plant in Minong, WI. All units produced at this location were assembled with parts supplied in the flat, shipped from either Marathon, NY or Arkadelphia, AR. This was done to achieve lower freight costs to dealers and consequently better sales penetration in the North Central and Northwestern market areas of the country. This strategy had been employed to a lesser degree some years earlier with limited success at Grumman sister locations in Carmichaels, PA and Corcoran, CA.
SportBoats remain popular in the Great Lakes and midwest, and are a favorite of duck hunters, frequently camouflaged with the oarlock sockets removed to eliminate hang-ups in grass. Except on Alaskan rivers, Sport Boats are uncommon west of the Rockies. The University of Washington Aquatic Recreation Center has a dozen or so heavily used and extensively repaired SportBoats in its rowing fleet on Lake Washington at the Montlake Cut.
The Marathon Boat Group, a company of former Grumman managers and investors, reintroduced production of the Sport Boat with sheathed flotation under the gunwales to comply with the level-flotation rule. Originally, the Sport Boat featured twin sets of oarlock sockets, but the current version has only one, and the sheathed flotation makes retrofitting the second set difficult. Marathon continues to make the Sport Boat and other Grumman canoes, and in 2000 acquired rights to use the Grumman name and logo. (see also 'Discussion' in this category). L. Manser, England.
Revision G. Walsh, U.S. 2012
- 'Outboard Boater's Handbook: Advanced Seamanship and Practical Skills' David Getchell, editor. 1994, International Marine, McGraw-Hill
External links[edit]
Know Before You Buy
Check if your watercraft has been:
Hurricane Sandy resulted in over $650 million in damages to recreational boats.

Hurricane damaged boats are often sold with a clean title.
Most states do not recognize salvage and damaged titles for boats. Therefore, storm damaged boats are auctioned off to be restored and re-sold to unknowing individuals, with clean titles. These boats may have spent significant time submerged under salt water resulting in detrimental damage that could result in loss later on. Boat History Report® is the only way to know the real truth about the boat, as once repaired- these boats can look better than new to an unsuspecting buyer.
Know when a boat has been in an accident.
Our extensive database searches hundreds of thousands of accident records.
Use Boat History Report® to insure that you don't buy a boat that has been damaged in an accident and then repaired. Boats that have been severely damaged have a low resale value and may not be safe for you and your family.
Boats frequently run aground due to a miscalculation of the water's depth.
Running aground can be one of the most costly problems a boat can endure.
Not only can running aground cause hidden structural damage to the boat, if environmental damage was caused, the new owner could be responsible for the previous owners negligence, as these fines stay with the boat and not the reckless boater. Don't put yourself at risk - Boat History Report® can help you avoid purchasing a boat that has run aground.
Boats are deemed a total loss when the cost to repair is greater than a set percentage of the boat’s value.
Unlike cars, boats have no uniform salvage titling law.
These boats are usually repaired and resold with clean titles, without disclosing previous total loss events. Boat History Report® helps uncover events like these in a boat’s history.
Many boats manufactured often contain dangerous, potentially fatal flaws. Is your boat safe?
Open (unfixed) safety recalls can result in serious injury and sometimes death.
Due to safety concerns, manufacturers report recalls every month; however, numerous flawed boats remain in the marketplace. Check our national database to see if your boat has been issued a safety recall as part of your report from Boat History Report®.
Sinkings and flooding occur more frequently than you may realize.

Boats that have been submerged sustain damage that can take months to surface.
Not only are boats swamped or capsized while in use, but many sink dockside as a result of heavy rains, storm surge, faulty drains or poor sealing thru-hull fittings. The damage is not noticeable immediately, but as corrosion sets in, costly issues will continue to surface. Let Boat History Report® help save you from a boat that could jeopardize your families safety while costing you thousands of dollars to repair.
Grumman Sport Boat Serial Number
Boats are constantly seized by U.S. Customs due to illegal activities.
Boat dealers and yacht brokers are not required to report seizure information to customers.
Many times these boats incur serious damage during the seizing activity. Don't unknowingly buy one of these damaged boats - Run a report from Boat History Report® before you buy.
In addition to cosmetic damage, boat fires can also cause hidden structural damage.
Due to skilled fiberglass work, boats involved in fires may appear undamaged to the naked eye.
Once the cosmetic issues are fixed you may never know a fire had occurred. That’s what Boat History Report® is for!
Canoe Serial Number Lookup
Avoid buying a boat that has been in a collision and then cosmetically repaired.
Similar to cars, boats can sustain structural damage that cannot be seen by the naked eye.
Collisions cause structural damage that can jeopardize safety and will lower the resale value of the boat. Don’t lose thousands by purchasing a damaged boat- run a Boat History Report® and be informed.
The HIN (Hull Identification Number)
The Hull Identification Number (HIN) serves as the boat’s unique identifier, similar to the VIN of a car. If the dealer or broker listing the boat has not provided you with a report from Boat History Report®, ask them to provide you with the boat’s HIN so that you can run your own.
What Year Was My Grumman Canoe Made
The HIN may be found on the back of the boat in the uppermost right corner or under the swim platform. Also, the HIN may be stated on the title, registration, and insurance documents. For boats 1984 and newer, Federal regulations mandate the HIN must follow the format in the image below. For additional HIN formats and a more detailed explanation, be sure to check out our HIN Troubleshooting Guide.